Current Strategies in Economics and Management Vol. 7
This book covers key areas of Economics and Management. The contributions by the authors include Measuring stock market investor sentiment, investor sentiment measures, composite sentiment index, East coast fever, immunization, livestock keepers’ perception and Kajiado Central, Wiener process, exotic options, method of images, heat equation, Financial Applications, Bonds, municipalities, operational efficiency, Finance, Municipal Bonds, Leverage for Negotiation, Bean, cross-border marketing, marketing costs, market performance, government levies, Tier-1 capital ratio, market segmentation, commercial banks, bank performance, customer retention ability, Education expenditure, economic growth, standard of living, labour force, capital formation, Behaviour, cosmeceuticals, consumer, consumption, influence, Market-Analysis of Determinants, Influencing Factors, Financial market, high frequency trading, batch auction, limit order book, regulatory framework 2.0, Investment opportunities, downside risk, uncertain implicit transaction costs, investment managers and fund managers, E-learning, latency, network delay, pedagogical efficacy, STEM, Longitudinal Effects etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Economics and Management.
Chapter 1Assessment of the Measuring Stock Market Investor Sentiment
Chapter 2Study on the Livestock Keepers’ Perception on East Coast Fever-Immunization (ECFiM) in Kajiado Central, Kenya
Chapter 3Research on Constrained Wiener Processes and Their Financial Applications
Chapter 4Emphasizing on Municipal Bonds as Leverage for Negotiation and Improving Operational Efficiency
Chapter 5Reporting a Case Study of Cross-Border Bean Market Performance in East Africa emphasizing on Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda
Chapter 6An Assessmental Study on Use and Impact of Market Segmentation Practices on Bank Performance: With Special Reference to Commercial Banks in Colombia
Chapter 7Public Spending on Education and Economic Growth in Nigeria: The Synergy
Chapter 8Investigating the Cosmeceutical Consumption Behaviour amongst Males in Indian Market-Analysis of Determinants and Influencing Factors
Chapter 9High Frequency Trading: A Brief Academic Approach Studies of Futuristic Financial Markets
Chapter 10Investigating the Investment Opportunities, Uncertain Implicit Transaction Costs and Maximum Downside Risk in Dynamic Stochastic Financial Optimization
Chapter 11A Comparison between Differences in the Effects of Longitudinal Effects of Network Latency on STEM and non-STEM Students