Modern Perspectives in Language, Literature and Education Vol. 1
This book covers key areas of Language, Literature and Education. The contributions by the authors include Israel-Palestine conflict, metaphor, illegitimate occupation, employs language, Portuguese literature, Vergílio Ferreira, Manhã Submersa, adaptation, film, : Ideological and Symbolic Metamorphosis, Manhã Submersa, Dream, memory, allegory, cave, clean language, Cave Allegory, Explicit feedback, implicit feedback, paragraph writing, EFL learner, Writing Performance, Intellectual education, moral education, aesthetic education, knowledge, virtue, human nature, Science, religion, evolution, Truth, Believe Science, Folk linguistics, language attitudes, Masschusetts dialects, Etymology, lexicography, etymological dictionaries, etymological propositions, etymological discussion, etymological symbology, linguistic notation, DELPo Experience, Cornerstone, survival of entertainment industry, copyright laws, tripartite structure, core subjects, Deliberate misappropriation, consequences, piracy is theft, digital piracy, marketers, Deafness, Portuguese sign language, cherology, cherological awareness, language acquisition, assessment, instrument, Identity, otherness, teaching and learning English, undergraduates in pre-service education etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Language, Literature and Education.
Chapter 1Recent Observational Perspectives in the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Righting the Wrong through Metaphor in Mornings in Jenin
Chapter 2Portuguese Literature and Film: Ideological and Symbolic Metamorphosis in Manhã Submersa: From the Novel by Vergílio Ferreira to the Film by Lauro António
Chapter 3Emphasizing the Dream and the Cave Allegory in the Work of Novalis Henry of Ofterdingen
Chapter 4Studying the Impact of Implicit vs. Explicit Corrective Feedback on EFL learners’ Paragraph Writing Performance
Chapter 5Detailed Discussion on the Inevitable Road to Humankind’s Educational Development
Chapter 6Reporting the Need to Make People Believe Science-Science is Reliable and Means Truth
Chapter 7A Study on the Folk-Linguistic Attitudes in Eastern Massachusetts
Chapter 8A Novel Approach to Etymological Research: The DELPo Experience
Chapter 9Musical Arts Education in Nigeria and the Implementation of the Nigerian Copyright Law
Chapter 10Music Piracy and the Nigerian Public: A Review of Enugu Urban Position
Chapter 11Cherological Awareness in the Language Acquisition Process
Chapter 12Detailed Discussion on Pre-service English Teacher Education in the State of Alagoas, Brazil: A Reflection on Identities