Recent Developments in Engineering Research Vol. 6
This book covers key areas of Recent Developments in Engineering Research. The contributions by the authors include Patch antenna, re-configurability, RF MEMS switch, PIN diode, FET, polarization, bandwidth, gain, directivity, Satellite Applications, Micromechanical Actuation Switches, Android application, sign language translation, wearable device, Coating, internal stresses, coating thickness, plasticizer, expanded polystyrene, Stresses of Coatings, Fixators, biocompatibility, composites, Biomechanical Characteristics, Anthropometry variation, cutting operation, fixed vice height, physiological parameters, wear rate, Anaerobic Power, Oxygen Consumption, Non linear optical, Tris Thiourea lanthanum nitrate, second harmonic generation, thermo-gravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, CMOS, scaling, leakage power, d flip-flop, Johnson counter, dual sleep, dual stack, stacked sleep, LECTOR, Glass, composite, rapid, additive manufacturing, Bulk Metallic Glasses, Biotechnological principles, water formation, earth’s complete water cycle, surface visible water cycle, underground invisible water cycle, groundwater revolution, water network, groundwater operation, Global Hydrological Extremes, Afigya Kwabre, groundwater, water quality index, Hydrochemical Assessment, Deep learning, transfer learning, extraterrestrial, NASA Mars Rover, Artificial Intelligence, Planetary Chemistry, Plasma facing materials, Fusion, metallurgy and crystallography, nucleation, Focused ion beam (FIB) milling, Scanning electron microscopy, Solid rocket, catastrophic, blast, cone, boosters, space exploration, booster rocket, Binary signals, CDMA, cross correlation, cyclic orthogonal Walsh-Hadamard codes (COWHC), multiple access interference (MAI) etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Engineering Research.
Chapter 1Reconfigurable Antenna for Satellite Applications Using Micromechanical Actuation Switches
Chapter 2Investigating the Sign Language and Speech Translation Wearable Device with Android Application for Special Education Schools in the Philippines
Chapter 3Focusing on the Stresses of Coatings Based on a Solution of Expanded Polystyrene during Curing
Chapter 4An Overview: Biomechanical Characteristics of Metal Plate Fixators and Composite Plate Fixators
Chapter 5Analyzing the Effects of Anthropometry Variations on Physiological Parameters of Heart Rate, Oxygen Consumption, Anaerobic Power While Performing Manual Operation at Fixed Vice Height
Chapter 6Elaborative Study on Optical, Thermal and Nonlinear Properties of Tristhiourea Lanthanum Nitrate
Chapter 7Experimenting with Design of Low Power Johnson Counter Using Lector Technique Using 50nm Technology
Chapter 8Additive Manufacturing of Bulk Metallic Glasses and Their Composites – Recent Trends and Approaches
Chapter 9Detailed Report on Resolved Mystery of Groundwater Basics through Biotechnology - A Gateway for the Management of Global Hydrological Extremes and Related Climate Change
Chapter 10Investigation on the Hydrochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking, Domestic and Irrigation Purposes in Afigya Kwabre District, Ghana
Chapter 11Modelling and Simulation of Microstructural Evolution for Extra-terrestrial Planetary Chemistry Mapping Using Artificial Intelligence – A NASA Mars Rover Study
Chapter 12Plasma Facing Materials – Part A: A Short Review and Introductory
Chapter 13Failure Analysis of OmegA Stage 1, Static Test – May 30, 2019 Northrop Grumman, Promontory, Utah
Chapter 14Recent Study on Periodic Binary Signals with Zero Cross Correlation Based on Walsh Sequences