Dr. Rusu Teodor
Prof. dr. Rusu Teodor from University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, has been developed an scientific activity in the last 26 years related to the Agrotechnics, Soil Sciences, Experimental Techniques and Rural Development. Director of the research center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Minimum Tillage Technologies (since 2011), has worked as a soil pedologist for the 3 years, and agrotechnics for the last 23 years, specializing in soil monitoring, soil tillage, soil quality, minimum tillage, no-tillage, sustainable agricultural technologies and climatic changes. PhD Supervisor on Agrotechnics (since 2009). Deputy Director of the Department of Technical and Soil Sciences (2009-present). He was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture (2008-2012), Master Program responsible Rural Development (2010-present) and judicial-technical expert in Agriculture specialization. Director, Office of Soil Survey and Agrochemical Cluj (2014-present). Professional experience - through the publication of 25 books, courses and guidance published in national and international publishers; 315 scientific papers (from which 65 SCI-JCR) and consultancy; organizing symposia: soil compaction - processes and consequences (2007); soil tillage systems (ed. 5: 2008; ed. 6: 2011; ed. 7: 2013; ed. 8: 2015; ed. 9: 2019). More information you find at: https://publons.com/researcher/1233035/rusu-teodor/