Current Research in Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Vol. 1
This book covers all areas of agriculture and veterinary sciences. The contributions by the authors include dogs; Echinococcus granulosus; prevalence; diagnosis; treatment; risk factors; shea butter cake; feed additive; carcass qualities; chicken; yellow-toothed cavy; adipocytokines; rodent reproduction; oral ivermectin; dog; Sarcoptes scabiei; Sarcoptic mange; Kola Tembien; ruminants; Tanqua Abergelle; nanoparticles; new formulation; nanopharmacology; veterinary therapy; fecundity; Gasteroclisus rhomboidalis; coleoptera; curculionidae; Amaranthus species; barb; horse; hematology; hematologic parameters; age; sex; swine; blood meal; eostrus signs; primigravid pigs; reproductive performance; hyperglycemia; Baillonella toxisperma; intraperitoneal; insulin resistance; functional cookies; protein enrichment; carabeef powder; sugar replacement; inulin; quality evaluation; urban livestock keeping; environmental consequences; livestock types; conflict etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of agriculture and veterinary sciences.
Chapter 1The Prevalence and History of Echinococcus granulosus Infection in Dogs in Libya and the Potential Role of Dogs in Transmission of Cystic Echinococcosis
Chapter 2Utilization of Probiotic Supplemented Shea Butter Cake Meal Based Diets by Broiler Chickens
Chapter 3Leptin Receptors in Galea Spixii
Chapter 4Sarcoptic Mange Mites in Dogs and Treatment
Chapter 5Diseases of Ruminants in Tigrai Regional State, Northern Ethiopia
Chapter 6The Breakthrough of Nanotechnology to Veterinary Parasitology Research
Chapter 7Recent Studies on the Longevity and Fecundity of Gasteroclisus rhomboidalis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Amaranthus Species
Chapter 8Normal Hematological Parameters of Barb Horses Raised in Tiaret, West of Algeria
Chapter 9External Eostrus Signs, Hormonal Profile and Pre-Weaning Performance of FI Piglets of Pigs Fed Soya Bean Meal Replaced Blood Meal Diets
Chapter 10Aqueous Extract of the Stem Bark of Baillonella toxisperma and Its Protective Effects on Dexamethasone Induced Insulin Resistance in Rats
Chapter 11Quality Evaluation of Protein Enriched Low Sugar Functional Cookies Incorporated with Carabeef Powder and Inulin
Chapter 12Investigating the Environmental Effects of Urban Livestock Keeping: Which Types of Livestock Pose More Serious Problems?