Recent Studies in Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 2
This book covers all areas of mathematics and computer science. The contributions by the authors include Hilbert-type integral inequality; weight function; equivalent statement; beta function; cloud computing; load balancing; optimal solution; artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques; instance-based learning; reinforcement learning; Datanode; Hadoop; weak cluster; equilibrium point; trajectories; Normal distribution; logistic distribution; exponential distribution; best linear unbiased estimation; Riccati equation; duffing equation; integro-differential equations; chaotic solution; differential transforms method; Runge-Kutta 4 (RK4) method; modified equations of Emden type; differential transforms method; Runge-Kutta 4 (RK4) method; Fs-Set; Fs-Subset; (Fs-Point; FsB-toplogical space and FsB-Hausdorff space; random variable; continuous probability distribution; artificial neural network; intelligent transport system; departure rate; density function; mean of the distribution; normalizing constant etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of mathematics and computer Science.
Chapter 1Equivalent Property of a Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality Related to the Beta Function in the Whole Plane
Chapter 2Secure Information Sharing System
Chapter 3Current Research on Significance of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques in Smart Cloud Computing: A Review
Chapter 4CSFC: A New Centroid Based Clustering Method to Improve the Efficiency of Storing and Accessing Small Files in Hadoop: Recent Advancement
Chapter 5Research on Tanimoto Coefficient Similarity Based Mean Shift Gentle Adaptive Boosted Clustering for Genomic Predictive Pattern Analytics
Chapter 6Mathematical Modeling on a Typical Three Species Ecology
Chapter 7Record Values in the Estimation of a Parameter of Some Distributions with Known Coecient of Variation
Chapter 8The Differential Transform Method (DTM): Solution of Differential Equations
Chapter 9Solution of Modified Equations of Emden-type by Differential Transform Method: New Perspectives
Chapter 10A Discussion of Hausdorff Property on Fs-Cartesian Product Topological Spaces
Chapter 11Arrivals Analysis
Chapter 12Departures Analysis
Chapter 13An Approach of Short Term Road Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
Chapter 14Mean of the Probability Distribution of Departures
Chapter 15Mean to the Distribution on Arrivals 1