Dr. Kaustubha Nand Bhatt

He is a professional Researcher in Social Sciences with specialization in environmental economics, social development and Corporate Social Responsibility.  He obtained the Ph.D. degree from the University of Allahabad. He has directed and authored/co-authored 25 research projects sponsored and funded by International and National organizations. He has published 44 research papers in Journals and edited volumes and 11 authored/edited books including  Development Dialogue: Socioeconomic and Ecological Perspective, Current Research in Education and Social Studies, Vol. 1, Mapping Social Gaze: A Discourse on Culture and Democracy, System of Rice Intensification, Agrarian Change and Small Farmers: Super Markets, Viability and Food Policy,  Child Labour in India: Empirical Evidence from Glass and Bidi Industries,  Consumers, Consumerism and Consumer Protection: Indian Context,  Disaster Risk Management Programme in Uttar Pradesh: Learning from Some Case Studies, Population, Environment and Health,  Social Development, Uttarakhand: Ecology, Economy and Society. He is Executive Editor/Academic Editor/Member Editorial Board/Reviewer of 9 International Journals. He has extensively travelled around the world on his visiting academic assignments. He is Associate Member of Institute Hydro-Quebec en environment, development et societe (Institute EDS), Laval University, Quebec, Canada.  He is working as a Professor of Economics in G. B. Pant Social Science Institute, Central University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, India.